[Review] Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution

2021. 6. 15. 17:41딥러닝


arxiv, github(not official)

논문에선 Loss Network는 VGG-16만 씀
Feature Reconstruction(Content) Loss 참고 : $\phi_{j}(\cdot)$ 는 $C_{j}\times H_{j}\times W_{j}$ dimension

Style Reconstruction Loss   G : Gram Matrix Frobenius norm

Note : $\phi_{j}(\cdot)=\psi(\cdot)$ 를 $C_{j}\times D_{j}$ 로 보면, $$G_{j}^{\phi}(x)=\frac{\psi\psi^{T}}{C_{j}D_{j}}.$$

 이건 uncentered covariance이다. each grid location as an independent sample(각각의 pixel=grid를 독립적으로 계산함). 그리고 captures information about which features tend to activate together(어떤 feature들이 서로 영향을 주는지에 대한 정보를 수집함).

다른 Loss(아직 공부 안함) :

VGG까지 학습함. 딱히 freeze하지는 않는것 같음.


Loss 계산 코드

# get vgg features
y_c_features = vgg(x)
y_hat_features = vgg(y_hat)

# calculate style loss
y_hat_gram = [utils.gram(fmap) for fmap in y_hat_features]
style_loss = 0.0
for j in range(4):
style_loss += loss_mse(y_hat_gram[j], style_gram[j][:img_batch_read])
style_loss = STYLE_WEIGHT*style_loss
aggregate_style_loss += style_loss.data[0]

# calculate content loss (h_relu_2_2)
recon = y_c_features[1]      
recon_hat = y_hat_features[1]
content_loss = CONTENT_WEIGHT*loss_mse(recon_hat, recon)
aggregate_content_loss += content_loss.data[0]

# calculate total variation regularization (anisotropic version)
# https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Total_variation_denoising
diff_i = torch.sum(torch.abs(y_hat[:, :, :, 1:] - y_hat[:, :, :, :-1]))
diff_j = torch.sum(torch.abs(y_hat[:, :, 1:, :] - y_hat[:, :, :-1, :]))
tv_loss = TV_WEIGHT*(diff_i + diff_j)
aggregate_tv_loss += tv_loss.data[0]

# total loss
total_loss = style_loss + content_loss + tv_loss

# backprop

